Deluxe Interpreting
We break the language barriers, so
you break in the door to your success
+ Webinar, remote conference, and more…

Deluxe Interpreting
We break the language barriers, so
you break in the door to your success
+Webinar, remote conference, and more…
Accurate | Adaptive | Success-mongering
Far-travelled Professionals
We have been to Europe, the U.S., Africa, and Asian countries.
Far-travelled Professionals
We have been to Europe, the U.S., Africa, and Asian countries.
Simultaneous Interpreting
For high-profile events such as conferences, symposiums, workshops, professional meetings where there are many people speaking many different languages.
An interpreter delivers alongside each source-language speaker to the audience via headsets.
Consecutive Interpreting
For non-fast-paced settings such as speeches, presentation, open-space dialogues, etc.
An interpreter delivers after the source-language speakers.
Headset Rental
For one and multiple-channel interpreting so you won’t have to worry about the sound system in your venue.
VIP headsets are highly mobile and compact, and convenient for highly active events.
Regular headsets are ideal for general penal discussion, meetings, seminars, and more.
Regular & VIP Receivers
Long range, with support up to 32 channels, these high-end headsets and headphones deliver to you seamless, hassle-free experience that sitting hours and hours in a conference and meeting still can keep you focused and satisfied.

Areas we cover
Accounting | Architecture | Automobiles | Business | Child Care | Civil Engineering | Communications and Media | Community Development | Computer Science | Construction | Court and Justice | Culinary | Cybersecurity | Diplomacy | Electrical Engineering | Energy | Environment | Finance | Fine Arts | Food and Beverage | Food Science | Gender | Hospitality and Tourism | Insurance | International Relations | International Development | Journalism | Legal Processing | Laws | Marketing | Mechanical Engineering | Medicals | Military | Music | Public Relations | Recreation and Leisure | Social Service Works | Software | Sports | Trade.

Specified for you
Telephone interpreting
Telephone interpreting is a simple way to instantly communicate your message. At First-Class, we use state-of-the-art technology to create a fast and reliable service, and unlike many of our competitors, we apply no maximum time limit to calls.
Escort interpreting
For field visits by foreign experts, or for research on any subject matter, an escort interpreter ensures barrier-free communication.
Focus group/marketing interpreting
In market research interviews or focus group discussions, our qualified and experienced interpreters assist you in eliciting useful responses.
Legal and court interpreting
The presence of one of our experienced interpreters with legal and court knowledge for any proceedings in a court of law or during legal discussions will ensure your interests are fairly represented. First-Class is resourceful in finding the most suitable interpreter for any case, whether civil or criminal.
Medical interpreting
A professional interpreter with medical expertise will facilitate communication between medical personnel, a patient and his or her family, and can assist with making any necessary arrangements.
Chat interpreting
First-Class offers a live chat interpreting service. We work with your instant messaging client, acting as a middleperson to provide real time interpreting between you and your client.
Summary interpreting
To facilitate the flow of your daily work and enable you to respond promptly, we offer a summary interpreting service. Our interpreter can paraphrase and condense statements while retaining their core meaning.
Interview interpreting
Interpreting at interviews or in consultation settings facilitates communication, enabling you to achieve your personal or business objectives. Interview interpreting may be performed in either or both the simultaneous and consecutive modes, depending on the circumstances.
#306-308 Commercial Street, Chip Mong 271, Phnom Penh
+855 (0)23 232 111